1288 SW Simpson Avenue, Suite C, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-323-6134 ~

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Friday, September 7, 2007

Stories & Teachers

Lots of construction going on lately on Simpson and Century . . . but don't let that deter you! We're open every day. Friday, September 7 we'll stay open until 7:00, so stop by, browse and have a cup of tea or coffee.

We're close to finalizing our story times . . . the first one will be with the Bend Fire Dept. We'll read stories here about fire engines and fire fighters, and then as a special treat we'll walk over to the fire department to see the real engines and real fire fighters! E-mails will be going out to those who signed up to be notified by e-mail, and we'll post the times here as well.

Teachers . . . Camalli Book Company appreciates our local teachers. Bring in a pay stub or other proof of employment at a local school and we'll offer you a 20% discount on most items (books only, please; discount does not apply to sale merchandise or to "short" discount items).

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