1288 SW Simpson Avenue, Suite C, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-323-6134 ~

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Story Times

Story times will start up in September . . . when the "big" kids are heading back in school and everyone is back from their summer vacations. To begin we'll have one story time a week, but would like to add a second. First story times will include themes such as Off to School and Fabulous Fire Engines. Because Camalli is so close to the fire department, our Fabulous Fire Engines story time may include a walk next door to see the trucks and the fire fighters in person! Dates are to be scheduled in the coming weeks, so watch the web site for details.

What are you reading?

We'd love to know what your favorite books are . . . whether they be contemporary or classic. Give us your recommendation and we can include it on the shelf with the book(s) you think other people need to know about. Stop by the store for your "Community Pick" form, or e-mail us at camallireaders@gmail.com and let us know the book title, author name, and a brief description of why you recommend the book.

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