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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stephenie Meyer Frenzy!

So many people are getting amped up for the release of BREAKING DAWN, the fourth book in Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT series. The book is released on August 2 (Saturday), and you can get your hands on a copy at midnight! We're opening the doors at 11:00 p.m. on Friday, August 1 for some food, drink and low-key interaction (costumes welcome!), and the book goes on sale at the stroke of midnight. AND, get this ... everyone here that night can enter to win a free SIGNED COPY of Stephenie Meyer's THE HOST.

To make sure that you get your hands on a copy of BREAKING DAWN give us a call to reserve your copy. You can pick it up at midnight or the next day. But to win the signed copy of THE HOST you do need to be present on August 1 when we announce the winner just before midnight.

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