1288 SW Simpson Avenue, Suite C, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-323-6134 ~

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Readings and . . . a Sale!

A few things to mention today . . .

STORY TIME: Thursday's Halloween Story Time was a hoot. The kids were adorable in their costumes . . . from princesses (three of 'em) to a ghost to a ladybug to a horse. The kids really got into The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, and after stories we made some not-so-spooky finger puppet bats. Next story time will be Thursday, November 15, and theme will be THANKSGIVING.

STORIES FOR GROWN UPS: Join us on Friday, November 2, at 6:00 p.m. for the release of Paty Jager's Perfectly Good Nanny. This western contemporary romance received four lips from twolipsreviews.com, so come in on the 2nd and meet Paty as she reads from the book and answers questions about writing and her road to publication.

SALE, SALE, SALE!: Be sure to come in and take advantage of our book sale! You'll find a table full of titles discounted from 20% to 40%. Sale titles include fiction and non-fiction, so browse the selection and you're likely to find something of interest!

WOMEN'S EXPO: Look for Camalli in the Literary Lounge at this year's Central Oregon Women's Expo! We'll have a table full of books that are of particular interest to girls and women.

GIFTS: We just received another toy shipment, so we're stocked to the gills with presents for kids. Whether you're birthday shopping or are one of those people who are ahead of the rest of us in your holiday shopping, be sure to stop by and have a look. Remember, we'll gift wrap your present, too!

SIMPSON IN THE CLEAR?: Simpson Avenue, that is. Looking out the window today there's NO sign of the construction on Century and Simpson. Phew! Could they really be done for good? Traffic is flowing again, so come on down!

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