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Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday Night, 3/23, at Camalli ...

Tuesday, March 23 at 6:00 p.m., author Dianne Crampton discusses her new book, TIGERS AMONG US: WINNING BUSINESS TEAM CULTURES AND WHY THEY THRIVE. Crampton takes complex business team culture theories and makes them simple and easy to implement ... from how companies like Zappos.com and Dos Gringos thrive even in down economies to how you can improve your team's performance and inspire them to treat your company with care and commitment.

Dianne Crampton is one of North America’s leading experts on corporate team culture and is a sought-after executive leadership coach, business consultant, speaker and author.

Crampton is the founder and president of TIGERS Success Series, Inc., a trademarked team culture process that stands for Trust, Interdependence, Genuineness, Empathy, Risk and Success. In her many years of comprehensive research, Crampton discovered that these six values are necessary for building ethical, quality-focused, productive, motivated and enthusiastic groups of people.